#AuthorToolboxBlogHop — Not for Chickens: Developing a Social Media Persona

Thus far in my writing career, I have gathered lots of wisdom. For example, a writer is a person who writes. You’re welcome. That pearl was free. Here’s another: a successful writer is a person whose writing is read.

Basic, simple things.

Now that I have this knowledge, the question remains: how do I become accustomed to the strangeness of disseminating my ideas online? The freest, most viral, most accessible medium of communication is social media, but how do I navigate the Internet as a socially anxious writer-person? Interacting online sometimes feels like dropping stones into a pond and watching the water ripple outward, away from me. And sometimes interacting with strangers online feels like I just jumped out of a plane and forgot my parachute.

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Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Forty Year Olds May Have Invented Dorkiness

I’m a Gen-Xer, and my problems with anxiety and depression originated years before there was a world wide web. I was the kid in high school who had tremors in her intestines because her BFF kept hounding her to go to some cute guy’s party. I was the girl with the trembling hands, the rapid heart rate, who often couldn’t and still sometimes can’t find words to articulate my thoughts.

It’s hard to articulate clear thoughts when my heart is racing, or I suddenly need to find a bathroom. Ellen Hendriksen, author of How to Be Yourself: Quiet Your Inner Critic and Rise Above Social Anxiety, says, “At the root of social anxiety is the fear of ‘the Reveal of some perceived fatal flaw” (cited in Dembling). With social anxiety comes the catastrophic thinking that the worst case scenario is likely to happen (cited in Dembling).

I feel physically panicked when I jump to the conclusion that all of my worst fears could come true with one false move. You could say I revert to early primate or reptile mode. The fear of choking on a banana, tripping over my own feet, or having a booger hang from nose makes me feel like I have choked on a banana, without actually choking on a banana. This circular reasoning increases my anxiety.

My worst case scenario thoughts usually have a juvenile delinquent theme to them. I think this is in part because my anxiety started spiking during middle and high school, when I was bullied for being a “freak.” Remove me from 1995, and the times have changed. My pimples have cleared, the braces are off, and I have figured out what types of conditioner to use on my ethnic hair, but my fear of rejection still surges through me, whether face-to-face or online.

The quickest and easiest solution is to withdraw. But withdrawing from the thing I am building, a writing career, won’t help me. Withdrawing is a short-term solution for stopping my shaking hands. The National Alliance for Mental Health states that 18.1% of adults in the U.S. experienced an anxiety disorder such as post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder and specific phobias (“Mental Health by the Numbers”).

If one in five people in the US has anxiety, then people are anxious before they tweet into the void and wait for a glimmer of recognition that they exist online. If a tweet falls in the forest, and no one hears it, does it make a sound?


Image by Pexels on Pixabay

What I like about interacting online is that social media allows me the time to collect my thoughts and say what I want and type what I want before I blurt something aloud I might later regret. There are plenty of arguments against the overuse of social media, how it increases the risk for issues such as lowered academic attainment, decreased self-esteem, sleep problems, anxiety, and even depression (Woods and Scott; Jacobsen and Forste; Lin, et. al). The asynchronous mode of writing ideas on social media can leave any person feeling disconnected–time zones, algorithms, and phone notifications separate us. But I still think there is value in writing and disseminating my ideas online, even though sometimes it feels isolating.

Developing Persona

I am a creative nonfiction writer (here’s an example of creative nonfiction I have published: The Lesson). As such, I think and ponder a lot about how I represent myself on the page, my persona. While interacting on social media, my online existence and persona is a construct (Barbour, Marshall, and Moore para. 7). And everyone knows this. We are not our whole selves online. No one would be interested in my grocery lists, pediatrician appointments, vet appointments, oil changes, or any other boring tidbit of my life online. I post my writing life online. The dichotomy of creating a version of myself as I tweet into what feels like nothingness sometimes makes me feel conflicted, creating an alternative version of myself. It feels like mental gymnastics.

In an essay about Vivian Gornick’s book The Situation and the Story, Maria Popova writes, “What we really fear is not that the internet knows too much about us…but that it knows too little…that it reduces the larger, complex truth of who we are to a few fragmented facts about what we do; that it hijacks our rich, ever-evolving personal stories and replaces them with disjointed anecdotal data.” Who am I online? Both social media (medium of communication) and social anxiety (fear of social interaction) are offshoots of the human experience. I am a full human outside of the Internet, so how do I grapple with displaying only parts of myself for an online audience?

Gornick’s book The Situation and the Story is really foundational for my view on how to write creative nonfiction. Gornick writes, “The subject of autobiography is always self-definition, but it cannot be self-definition in the void. The memoirist, like the poet and the novelist, must engage with the world, because engagement makes experience, experience makes wisdom, and finally it’s the wisdom — or rather the movement toward it — that counts…don’t exist as a writer” (cited in Popova).

What feels most ironic to me about creating an online persona is how it dovetails with the development of my creative nonfiction protagonist in my writing. Both are constructs, yet both are developed for different audiences. According to Bessière, Pressman, Kiesler, and Kraut, the discrepancy between my actual-self, and my “ideal-self” that I modify for social presentation could deteriorate my well-being.

Sometimes developing that online persona feels that way, like it could overtake other parts of my life if I am not careful. An example of the deteriorating feel of this social presentation is when I tweet into the nothingness and feel like I don’t exist. Or is this feeling only exacerbated when you feel empty and Tweet. Which causes which? Is it the chicken or the egg?


Image by Myriam Zilles on Pixabay

Tackling the Disconnection

Instead of letting my physical reaction of anxious symptoms overwhelm me, I move head-on into feeling disconnected. It’s my own not-doctor-supervised version of exposure therapy.  According to the American Psychological Association, exposure therapy was developed to help people battle their fears by exposing fearful people to the things which make them nervous, fearful, or avoidance.

I could avoid participating on social media and posting my writing online because it makes me feel physically uncomfortable. That would be avoidance, but avoiding the thing which makes me nervous holds me back. I tackle the feeling of being disconnected by plowing forward and doing that thing which makes me most nervous, even as I feel my bowels quake. #anxietyforever

This post participates in the #AuthorToolboxBlogHop hosted by Raimey Gallant. You can join the blog hop on her site.

And here’s all the stuff I cited!–

Works Cited

Bessière, K., Pressman, S., Kiesler, S., & Kraut, R. (2010). Effects of Internet Use on Health and Depression: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 12(1). doi:10.2196/jmir.1149

Dembling, Sophia. “Four Strategies to Help Conquer Social Anxiety.” Psychology Today. Psychology Today, Feb. 25, 2018, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-introverts-corner/201802/four-strategies-help-conquer-social-anxiety

Lin, L. Y., Sidani, J. E., Shensa, A., Radovic, A., Miller, E., Colditz, J. B., … Primack, B.A. “Association Between Social Media Use and Depression Among U.S. Young Adults.” Depression and Anxiety, 33(4), 323–331, 2016. doi:10.1002/da.22466

Marshall, P.D., Persona Studies: Mapping the Proliferation of the Public SelfJournalism, 2014, Vol. 15(2) 153–170 DOI: 10.1177/1464884913488720

“Mental Health by the Numbers.” National Mental Health Alliance. https://www.nami.org/learn-more/mental-health-by-the-numbers

Popova, Maria. “How to Own Your Story: Vivian Gornick on the Art of Personal Narrative and Nuanced Storytelling.” Brain Pickings, https://www.brainpickings.org/2015/06/22/vivian-gornick-the-situation-and-the-story-personal-narrative/

“What is Exposure Therapy?” American Psychological Association. 2019. https://www.apa.org/ptsd-guideline/patients-and-families/exposure-therapy

32 responses to “#AuthorToolboxBlogHop — Not for Chickens: Developing a Social Media Persona”

  1. This here: “the discrepancy between my actual-self, and my “ideal-self” that I modify for social presentation could deteriorate my well-being.” Thank you for writing such a thoughtful essay. You express so much of what I feel when I open the door to social media. Sometimes I simply have to close the door, to protect my own well-being; but, as a writer, I (supposedly) need a social media persona. I’m still not sure if that’s really true or if I’ve been duped by the lords of Twitter, Facebook, etc. Rather I keep opening the social media door because of the friends I’ve made, the people whose common interests, care, and concern make me feel a little less anxious, a little more like my actual self.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your kind words! It is a strange endeavor but I do it to get my writing out there, even when it feels awkward. And then I wonder if it feels awkward because it’s actually awkward or because I am awkward? Haha.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Like you said, chicken or the egg? I feel encouraged when I read posts such as yours, especially when there’s humor.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Great read and so much I connect with. Thank you ! I always enjoy your work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Bert. I was working on that blog for awhile, and it could have been longer, but then I threw my hands up in the air and published it!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s probably what I like best about online relationships. I can think, edit, and revise before pushing send. It certainly keeps the stress down, don’t you think?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, but then I have to try not to respond when I feel too emotional because I still say stuff I want to later take back. Mostly when I am feeling excited and ridiculous (how I love exclamation points), not because I am feeling mean.


  4. 1. You’re hilarious. 2. We’re like the same person!!!! Except I kept my 1995 pimples.

    I like how you made me think about both social media and social anxiety. And yes, on social media, I am faking it, sorry, not sorry. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am kind of myself but a super edited version with amplified neuroses and good syntax.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. P.S. Are you on Facebook? Not a personal profile but an author page? If you have one, would you mind emailing it to me? I like to tag people when I post their stuff on Facebook. Thanks!


    1. I don’t but I am starting to see the need for one for a bunch of different reasons. I will send it to you when I make it 🙂 Thanks for asking!


  6. Thank you for sharing some of your thoughts on anxiety.
    I also struggle with anxiety, and often find that it’s rooted in “something unexpectedly goes wrong” and I start to wonder “what else could/will go wrong” and “what is it that I’m missing that would allow me to mediate these negative changes?”

    I also struggle with the debate between withdrawing and “sticking it out,” the classic “fight or flight” as it were.

    Part of the challenge (I find) is recognizing when to stay vs go, and in some cases, to recognize the need to step back for a moment, and then step forward again.
    I often find that fighting/overcoming my anxiety is an effort, and takes energy, and if I try to fight too much, I become completely drained.

    I think it often comes back to balance, particularly balance between “struggling to grow” and “peacefully accepting who/what we are now.”

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know what you mean about being drained. It’s draining to have an overactive mind =) Thanks for reading and commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. De nada.
        It definitely helps to be reminded that others also fight the good fight.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. One thing I would say is that while social media does afford us the time to pause and consider our answers, it does sometimes lose inflexion or nuance. Since I’m the sort to make jokes, it does leave me worrying about being misinterpreted. Ah, c’est la guerre.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That reminds me of editing and how sometimes I edit too much of my voice. It’s hard to find a balance 😊. Thanks for reading and commenting.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. There are pros and cons to social media, and you’ve done a great job of articulating them.

    Social media allows me to truly think before I speak, and to consider the version of myself I am online (i.e. the version who has had her morning cup of coffee).

    However, I’m still looking forward to Twitter having an Edit button for when I realise two seconds too late that my phone’s AutoMistake feature has completely misunderstood me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I want an edit button too. I won’t take down a typo-filled tweet once it gains traction.


  9. AuthorSarahKrewis Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts regarding Anxiety. I feel its something not spoken about enough, as it’s a very real issue. Social media I believe only heightens the anxiety, which is why I try to eliminate it the best I can; which isn’t easy as both a military spouse and an author. Great essay!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Sounds like you’ve got a handle on it. Not a Gen-X person, I struggle with social media and recently have withdrawn from it—at least for a little while.

    Life seems sweeter now. 🙂

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand the need for withdrawing. I do that every so often myself. I climb back into my solitude and then re-emerge. It happens every few years. I’ve had more than one Facebook account. I had a Twitter account I didn’t use for years! Thanks for posting.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. This is a great look at a topic I’ve always found tough (plus, as a historian I appreciate a well-researched article, so this is a double threat)!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for noticing, Sheree! I love research :0)


  12. “What I like about interacting online is that social media allows me the time to collect my thoughts and say what I want and type what I want before I blurt something aloud I might later regret”

    This is what I love about social media – and the fact I can “do” it in my time, on my schedule, without time constraints. I find that takes away the pressure.

    Now, if only Twitter would introduce an “edit” function for when #AutoMistake changes my spelling in the split second between typing and tweeting …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree. I would love an edit button. It seems like my most typo-ridden tweets are the ones that get traction, and then I can’t delete and rewrite them for grammar’s sake!!!


  13. I admire how you’ve analyzed yourself and then worked on how to do what you need to do as a writer. Social media should allow us to think before we put our words out there unlike when we’re speaking in person, but there sure are a lot of people who tweet or post on FB who don’t seem to think about what they’re saying at all.

    Susan Says

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Susan. I think of my digital footprint when I tweet, and because I’m a teacher, and I teach students about the rhetorical situation of their writing, I am always thinking of my audience. Online, my audience is anyone at any time. Thanks for sharing your thoughts ❤


  14. So much of what you have posted here resonates with me. We need to learn to trust ourselves


  15. Great read! Social media is always a series of decisions I think

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, I agree that interacting on social media can be a complicated series of decisions, especially since I reflect on my digital media footprint as a teacher and a writer. Thanks for reading and responding! =)


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